Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Headed to Easter - Easter Sunday

Headed to Easter – Easter Sunday
It is a quiet morning.  Some roosters are just beginning to stretch and sound their morning call, for it is the crack of dawn

If we listen, we hear the soft shuffle of feet walking the dirt road to the tomb.  It's two women, and they have a job to do, and they are going to do it.  They wanted to get there early, get it done and then be gone. 

One of the ladies is Mary Magdalene.  She was the Mary from whom seven demons were cast out, and she never got over that experience. 

The other Mary?  We’re not sure who she is, and really that is a lesser matter.

Nevertheless, these faithful women were on a mission.  They were going to anoint the body of a dead man, their friend Jesus. 

As they rounded the corner, the ground began to tremble.  It was a mighty shaking, and if they could believe their eyes, it seemed a heavenly being, perhaps an angel was just approaching the tomb and with one touch of his finger the mighty stone covering the entrance rolled out of the way and the angel sat on the stone.  He SAT on the stone. 

Can you believe that?

The guards that the temple high priests had put in place fled for their lives at the rumbling and the first sight of the angel.  They went into town, reported what had happen, were paid a lot of hush money to ‘hush up’ and that was that.

The two Marys were terrified.  They saw it but didn’t believe their eyes. 

The angel spoke: “Don’t be afraid.  You are seeking Jesus, who was crucified.  He is not here: for he has been raised, as he said.  Come, see the place where he lay.  And now, go as fast as you can and tell his disciples.  Say ‘He has been raised from the dead, and he is going on to Galilee.  You can see him there.”

The women left.  They were a mixture of great fear and greater joy.  It had happened just like he promised.

And as they ran, they met Him – Jesus.  It happened so quickly it was a startling thing to behold.

He said “Greetings.”  After examining him, he said, “Fear not.  Go and tell my band of brothers, my disciples, to go to Galilee.  They will see me there.”

If you want to see the whole uninterrupted story, read Matthew 28. 

The critical message is this … He rose from the grave, just as he said.

He came back to life, miraculously, and he is alive NOW!

That is the heart of the Christian message.  We serve a living Christ.

If that is not true, then everything I believe, everything I write, everything I’ve ever sung about this Christ, the son of God, has been in vain.

I accept this story by faith.  I wasn’t there in that era.  I’ve had no vision, heard no voices.

All I know is what I’ve experienced in my heart.  I feel the spirit of the risen Christ  dwelling in me and I accept His presence.

That is my Easter story to leave with you.

Remember when I wrote on Friday about the curtain in the temple being split into two pieces?  That one act let loose the indwelling spirit of God so that His spirit can flow over and into you and me. 

How he does it, I don’t know.
Why he deems you and me as worthy specimens to receive His spirit, I don’t know.

It is a faith kind of thing.

Either we believe, by faith, or we don’t.

I choose belief by faith.

Happy Easter.

Hope Encouragement Inspiration

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