Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Headed to Easter - Saturday

Headed to Easter – Saturday

It's Saturday - the Sabbath for a proper Jew.  No working, no nothing.  But these are desperate times, and some loose ends needed tying. 

A request was sent to Pilate for an audience on this Saturday after the horrible Friday. 

The chief priests and scribes all gathered in mass in Pilate’s waiting room anxious to lay their request before him.

He finally appeared.  They presented the request.

“Sir, we remember that the man Jesus said that ‘after three days I will rise again.’

“We humbly and strongly request that his burial tomb be made secure until the third day; otherwise, his disciples may go and take his body and then say, “He has risen, like he said he would.”

Pilate was done with this.  “You have your own contingent of soldiers.  Go and make it as secure as you can.”

And they went and sealed the stone.

Meanwhile …

His disciples were nowhere to be seen.  Their leader was dead.  They saw for themselves, at a distance of course.  And now what?

Rumor has it that some are hiding in a cave on the outskirts of town.  Others disappeared into some of the smaller villages nearby. 

All we know for sure, they weren’t anywhere to be found on this Saturday.

Their hopes were dashed.  Their leader was dead.  Their crusade had crumbled before it even got off the ground.

And that is how this Saturday played out.

Hope Encouragement Inspiration

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