Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

What Does God Look Like?

What Does God Look Like?

What a ponderable question – seeing God.

The biblical answer says, “No man has seen God.” (John 1:18) and I get that.  No question, no doubt.

However, God has shown up in this world on
occasion.  I do believe God took on the form of Mother Teresa from time to time.  She was LOVE.  Oh, my, her compassion knew no limits.  She would stoop so low to help the poor, the sick, the afflicted.  Surely, God was in her and showed up in her life and through her activities time and again.  She was often ‘God in the flesh.’

And the same for Billy Graham.  His message of hope and salvation brought many to Christ, and he lived his life with one purpose – to show God to a world that needed Him the most.  I think God took on the form of Mr. Graham from time to time.

I saw God once in a man carrying a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken.  He was walking to a neighbor’s home to help feed a family after a devastating fire had wiped them out.

I’ve seen God through the writings of some of my favorite authors and books.  I’ve heard His voice through some incredible musical passages.

God is around.  He uses books, music, movies, people to reveal Himself on occasion.  Perhaps you have seen God and didn’t know you were seeing Him.

Even better … what if you became God in a moment in time to someone in need?  You wouldn’t know it, probably, nevertheless, God can use you and me in odd moments and difficult circumstances if we are open to that possibility.

Oh, that God would dare to use me to touch someone with hope, encouragement and inspiration.

That is my prayer!

Hope Encouragement Inspiration

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