Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Letter Number Twenty ~ from God

Letter Twenty
Dear Child:

I am a specialist.  Did you know that?  My specialty today is mending a broken heart.  Come in.  Sit down.  Now, tell me where it hurts.

You are in pain.  That’s okay.  Pain tells us we are alive.  I worry most when there is no pain.  Then maybe it’s too late.

But today, today, I see your pain. I know what caused it.  I can’t change the situation.  That would be meddling and I don’t meddle.  That would mean I revoke my number one rule and that is “your power to choose.”

But I can help you with your choices.  First of all, lay out all the reasons and nature of your broken heart. 

Disappoint with others?
Human frailties?
Not having your own way?
Relationship difficulties?

I know all about these heartbreaks.

Spell it out.  Don’t hold back.  I can handle anything.

Once you’ve spread it all out, let’s examine each piece. 

I’m here.  I’ll catch your tears.  I hear your sobs.  Rest in my embrace.


One-Hundred Letters from God,
Offering Hope~Encourgement~Inspiration

P Michael Biggs

From my book – The Letters

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Letter Number Nineteen ~ from God

Letter Nineteen

Dear Child:

You wonder if I’ve ever been mad at you. 


I watch as you fumble around at times.  I see you try stupid stuff and really screw up, but mad?  No.

Why do you run from me when I want nothing but the best for you?

What I want most is for you to come near.

Put away your fears.  I’m not mad. 

Here’s what I promise you.

I will always love you, from this day forward. 
I will always reach out for you.
I will always call your name. 

I will watch over you, want only the best things for you and be ready for that moment when you call to me. 

Mad?  Never.

Love?  Always.


One-Hundred Letters from God,
Offering Hope~Encourgement~Inspiration

P Michael Biggs

From my book – The Letters

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Letter Number Eighteen ~ From God


Dear Child:

Do you have some friends who make you feel as if you are a pest?  Do you sometimes get the feeling that when you call or go for a visit, they roll their eyes as if to say, “not you again.”

Guess what.  I’ll never, ever do that when you call on me.  I actually delight in talking with you, and just being in your presence.  I love having you sit for a while near me.  Sometimes we talk, and sometimes we just sit.  I love those times the most. 

I never tire of you.
You never bore me.
Your concerns are my concerns.

My love for you is inexhaustible.
My patience with you is endless.
My promises are right on time.

You are never out of my sight.
You are never out of my care.

Do you ever think I would roll my eyes toward you as if to say, “no, not today. I’m busy.”?  

No.  Never.

You are my choice one.  My chosen one.  My special creation.

You are my child. 

I am your God. 

When you approach me, I always say “Yes!”


One-Hundred Letters from God,
Offering Hope~Encourgement~Inspiration

P Michael Biggs

From my book – The Letters

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Letter Seventeen ~ from God

Letter Seventeen
Dear Child:

There is one fear that some of you hold and it is a universal fear.  You fear I’ll run out of resources.

My dear loved one.  Come here, sit beside me.  Feel my hand on your shoulder. 

I have never run out of anything.  I have such unlimited resources that it is against my nature to run out of stuff. 

Your biggest fear of all is that you’ll exhaust my patience.  You fear that I’ll tire of your cries, your stumbles and your miss-steps.

Have no fear.  You can’t get beyond my patience.  You can’t run past my grace and love. 

I have enough.

Let me say that again.


Enough love.
  Enough peace.
    Enough hope.
      Enough wisdom.
        Enough of everything. 

I’ll never run out of anything you may ever need. 

I’ll always have enough – for you.


One-Hundred Letters from God,
Offering Hope~Encourgement~Inspiration

P Michael Biggs

From my book – The Letters