Here is a snapshot of the story behind the painting.
There once were two sons and a father.
The younger son asked His father one day for his share of the inheritance
so he could go out and live the good life.
He wanted to party. He wanted
wine, women and song.
What he was actually saying to the father was this: “To me
you are as good as dead – give me my inheritance now. I can’t wait for you to die.”
Strangely, the father complied.
The son left.
Time passed.
The son awoke one fine morning in the middle of his murky life. He realized how foolish he had been. His friends, the women and the wine had all
run out on him for he was now broke.
What a sad song. Sounds like a
country music hit from the sixties.
He longed to return to his father’s house and become a hired hand. At least he would have food, clothes and
shelter over his head.
So that is what he set out to do.
And all along the journey he wondered if he would be recognized, and
better yet, accepted as a servant.
Meanwhile, back on the estate – the father longed for, grieved and
missed his son every day. He looked down
the road many times every day just in case he might see his son coming around
the bend in the road. But no luck.
Until one fine day he looked and saw a lone figure limping along. Even from that great distance the father
thought he detected some familiar traits, and a certain gait to the stranger’s
walk. The clothes didn't match what the
father expected his son to wear, but there was familiarity nevertheless.
And as the stranger got nearer, the father saw that it was indeed his
son. He immediately began giving orders.
Kill the choice calf.
Prepare the banquet hall.
Pick the best vegetables from the garden.
Clean the best robe.
My son is coming home!
And he threw a party.
Can you believe that?
The son who had treated him like dirt was back, and the father threw a
‘welcome home’ party.
That is amazing.
And when the son approached the father, he barely got two words out
before the robe was around the son’s shoulders and he was covered with hugs and
Christ is telling this story to illustrate how much God in Heaven loves
you and me and only wants us to be with him. (See Luke 15:11-32 in the Holy Bible.)

God will hold you.
God will embrace you.
God will love you like you've never been loved before.
He simply wants to hold you in His arms, and He will never let you go.
What is your response to that?
Please watch this. You'll get the best sound by using headphones.
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Westminster Chorus
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Westminster Chorus
If the above link does not work, click here
May I pray for you?
To think that you call for each of us by name is an amazing thought. And to know you still want us after some of the places we've been and some of the things we've done.
You really do love us. You wait for us with open arms. And like the prodigal son, we want to come home to you, to your embrace and to your love.
What kind of love is this? Teach us more God.
If you wish to prayer a prayer of repentance and ask Christ into your heart, there is a sample prayer on the right side of this blog.
I'm praying for you.
P Michael Biggs
Word at a Time
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