Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Letter Thirty-Four from God

Letter Thirty-Four
August 30, 2020


Dear Child:

You are my child.  I cherish you.  I value you.

I have put within you all kinds of talents and abilities.  You have barely scraped the surface of all that you could be.  It’s all inside of you, and you own it free and clear. 

Every inclination, every longing, every desire, and every spurt of an idea that you have or have ever had is a part of you because of the way I put you together.  I want to help you turn those possibilities into viable ideas to better mankind.

It’s been that way from the beginning. 

Lean in and let me whisper in your ear. 

I love you!

Got that?

I love you.  You are a masterpiece on the verge of greatness.

When I see you, I see a future with hope. 

I am already so proud of you.

Your loving God!

One-Hundred Letters from God,
Offering Hope~Encourgement~Inspiration

P Michael Biggs

From my book – The Letters

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Letter Thirty-Three from God


My Dear Child:


I want to correct a misconception some people have about me.  I have been painted by some as being severe and harsh.  Some people fear me so much that they think I am unapproachable. 


That breaks my heart.


My one wish for you is that you would come near.  Crawl up into my strong arms and share your hopes and dreams, your angst and disappointments.


One of my key messages to mankind is this: “Come unto me, all who are weary and heavy hearted.  I will give you an unbelievable rest.”


My house is big and my rooms are large.  I have plenty of room for you. 


Don’t stay outside.  Come on in the house.


Pull up a chair by the fireplace.


Come to Papa.



One-Hundred Letters from God,

Offering Hope~Encourgement~Inspiration



P Michael Biggs

From my book – The Letters


Sunday, August 2, 2020

Letter Thirty-Two from God


My Dear Child:

You hear it often – just have faith. 

I’m all about faith, for I am faithful.

If you believe in me, it is because of faith.  You can’t see me.  You can’t touch me.  You can feel my presence, and that is because of your faith. 

Occasionally I will ask someone to take a certain action with no guarantee or promise of what the outcome will be.  All I promise is that I’ll be with them through the experience.

Remember this … faith doesn’t come with a guarantee. 

That’s it. 

I do promise to always be by your side. 

Faith like that has started grand enterprises.  It has launched massive good works around this world, and countless lives have been changed for the greater good of mankind. 

Need a guarantee?

I’ll be with you.

That is enough.


One-Hundred Letters from God,
Offering Hope~Encourgement~Inspiration

P Michael Biggs

From my book – The Letters