Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Letter Number Sixteen ~ from God

Letter Sixteen

Dear Child:

Why do you compare yourself to others?  You still don’t get it.  I love you, uniquely you?

I don’t care about your IQ.  I care about you.  You have a kind heart, a gentle spirit.  That is what I love about you. 

IQ only measures one aspect of a person.  I care about the total person. 

Really, the only thing you should concentrate on is “Am I doing my best with what I have?”

I have never demanded that a person be the smartest, the most creative, the most beautiful, or the most credentialed. 

I do care that you develop and build upon the talents you started with.  Do you remember the story of the people given talents? 

One was given five talents and turned them into ten
One was given two talents and turned them into four
One was given one talent and buried it.  What a waste.

If I had really wanted only the best followers, do you think I would have entrusted my messages down through the ages to the common men and women I’ve used?  I could have easily chosen rulers, monarchs, kings and the rich to carry my thoughts forward.

Instead, I have used fishermen, sinners, poor itinerant preachers, a prostitute, and a King who had an affair to carry my message.  I use all kinds of people.

So, forget your IQ.  Forget your failures. 

Come to me, with all your skills and ills, all of your successes and failures.  I am the one who declares you worthy. 

You are my choice.  You are a worthy candidate for my grace and love.

I can use a person like you.

One-Hundred Letters from God,
Offering Hope~Encourgement~Inspiration

P Michael Biggs

From my book – The Letters

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Letter Number Fifteen ~ from God

Letter Fifteen

I heard you this morning.  I know you reached out to me.  I was there. Did you know?  You seemed heavy in heart, weighted down by your failures. 

My loved one, come to me.  Come to Papa God.  Remember how many times you humans are referred to as sheep.  Sheep are followers mostly.  Sheep need constant care or they’ll end up in all the wrong places.

You just experienced that.  You came running to me and I welcomed you with open arms.

Sometimes your heart won’t accept my forgiveness.   At times your past gets in the way.  Always know that I will forgive you.  The moment I sense your regret I am already turning toward you with open arms.

Here’s the thing.  It’s not what you say; it’s your attitude that counts most.  I don’t care about lofty words, religious sounding phrases, and pious acts.  I care about the heart of a person. 

When I saw you making the attempt I was there. 

Accept the fact that you are still my child.  You are my loved one, the one I cherish.

I care too much for you to ever leave you alone.


One-Hundred Letters from God,
Offering Hope~Encourgement~Inspiration

P Michael Biggs

From my book – The Letters

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Letter Number Fourteen ~ a Letter from God

Letter Number FOURTEEN

Dear Child:

You’re disheartened.  And why?  Because you think nobody cares about you, even me. 

My child.  Listen to me with your heart. 

On the day you were born I said “YES!”  I said yes to you, to your life, to your future.  I have such grand plans for you.  If only you could see what I have in store for you. 

So, wallow around in your misery if you choose, but if you could take a walk with me and we could just talk, you would soon see what I mean.

Do you know that I notice the tiniest sparrow that falls to the ground?

Did you witness the sunset last evening?

Did you see the sun rise today?  Think of the millions of receptors that I have put within your eyes just to enjoy the beauty all around you.


Can you hear that seagull calling out to his friends?  Can you hear the airplane overhead?  I’ve put over twenty-thousand fibers in each of your ears simply so that you can distinguish sounds of multiple varieties. 

Listen to the children playing nearby.  You can hear them because of the amazing creation that you are.

You are my finest creation. 

I could go on, but you get the point.

I created you, you are mine and I love you more than your mind can take in. 

I am your creator.  You are my greatest miracle. 

Will you say “yes” to me?

Your God.
One-Hundred Letters from God,
Offering Hope~Encourgement~Inspiration

P Michael Biggs

From my book – The Letters