Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Thursday, July 27, 2017

When God Gives Second Chances

Pete didn’t deserve another chance.  He was bold.  He was brash.  He was boastful.  He was the kind of guy who would spout off and then realize he said too much.  He was not the winner of “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

And yet, he was offered a second chance. 

In Mark, Pete, better known as Peter, had denied knowing Christ.  He even swore his lack of association with this man Jesus, even though he was indeed a disciple, one who followed and worked along-side him.

And yet, at a critical moment in the story when fingers pointed to him and he was guilty by association, Peter denied such an alignment and friendship.

And he did it three times.

But wait … there’s more.

Peter was given a second chance. 

In Mark chapter 16 we read this.  It’s short.  Only two words tell the story, but the ‘second chance’ offer is there.

“But go, tell his disciples, and Peter that he is going before you into Galilee.”

The angel at the empty tomb is speaking, and he singles out Peter.  It’s not a slam, it’s an invitation into grace, into relationship – it is a second chance.

I can think of a few others who have been given second chances.
~The woman at the well
~The woman caught in adultery
~Zacchaeus, the tax collector
~David, after his affair with Bathsheba
~The repentant thief on the cross

Even in the great parable of the prodigal son, there is a picture of God offering a wayward son a second chance.

I like second chances.
I’ve been offered a few in my life.

It’s like God is saying, “My child, you get to bat again.  I know you struck out last time, but this time, this time you may just hit it out of the park.”

A second chance.
A third chance.
A life-time of chances.

That is what God is offering. 

He wants us to get it right.  And He is standing nearby, cheering, helping, encouraging, inviting. 

Offering Words of
Hope Encouragement
One Word at a Time

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