Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Saturday, May 7, 2016


If a religious faith is anything, it is a refuge to run toward.  On the Hawaiian Island of Kona there is a large rock called Refuge Rock. 
People who broke the law of the King were exiled from their villages and chased down with the intent to be killed.  If the perpetrator could make it to Refuge Rock their sins were forgiven and they were declared safe and redeemed. (An abridged interpretation)

In other words, people ran to the refuge. 

And isn’t that what God is all about?  We run to Him with our worries, our burdens, our problems and our sorrows. 

In the Bible there is a story (Luke 7:36-50) of a prostitute who in so many words ran to Jesus.  She boldly invaded a dinner party, knelt behind Him and wet his feet with her tears and dried them with her hair.  She was a woman in need and she sought refuge at the feet of Christ.

In another story (Luke 17:11-19) Jesus is on His way into the city of Jerusalem.  Ten lepers heard He was passing near them.  They began calling loudly, “Jesus, please has mercy on us.” 

They knew and understood the source of their refuge – Jesus the Christ.  They needed relief from their physical infirmities.  They headed straight to the refuge giver.  And His words were, “Go show yourselves to the priest.  And as they went their way, they were cleansed of their leprosy.”

They sought and found their place of refuge.  How about that?

And now, my friend, do you need a place of refuge?  Do you need relief from some burden, some problem, some indignity, some past that has you in bondage?

Perhaps now is the perfect time to seek your place of refuge.  Have you called out to God with boldness? 

Have you asked with confidence for whatever help it is you need?

He stands ready to be let into whatever situation you face, or to help handle anything you can’t handle on your own.  He is your refuge and strength.

A word of hope:  I am here. I stand at the door and knock.  If you hear me, will you open up and let me in?  I will come in and we will share in fellowship - you and I.
~Revelations 3:20

“Our tendency is to run toward the light of Christ.  
We want to be near the one who accepts us and loves 
us at our worst.  We feel something in that embrace 
that other life experiences can’t offer.”
~Philip Yancey

And remember this:
God is our refuge and strength.  He is a strong help in time of trouble.  Therefore, we will not fear, even though the earth be removed and the mountains be swept into the sea; even if the waters roar and are full of waves, and even when the mountains shake. 
~Psalm 46:1-3

Thanks be to God!

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