Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
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Saturday, March 19, 2016

How Do You Do God

I grew up in a southern conservative evangelical church.  I've kept my presence in church on a pretty regular basis down through the years and consider myself a Christian man.

In my years of living, I've done God  mostly in the context just described above.  But there's more.

Friday night Carolyn and I attended a vespers service at St. James Catholic in downtown Seattle.  Amazingly, we did God Friday night.  It was different from my southern conservative religious roots, yet was a wholesome and soul satisfying experience. 

God came down and sat beside me in that Catholic service much as He did in my growing up church in Tennessee. 

How do you do God?

Some religious traditions raise hands, utter sounds in indistinguishable tongues, play tambourines, wear special pieces of clothing either on their head or shoulders.  Some use beads, some use guitars and pianos while some sing acapella. 

Thankfully, you don't have to be in a certain building, with the correct label on it or use some secret language to do God

Friday night we/they sang repetitive songs. I didn't sing at all, for I was there for my own reflective thoughts.  The man to my left sang every note and word.  Carolyn, to my right sang a few verses, harmonized a few, and was silent for a few songs.

The organ was magnificant.  The acoustics were perfect with the right amount of reverb.  The  crowd was a mix of races, economic rankings, and stages of dress with a variety of ages present.

In my southern evangelical tradition, down through the years I've noticed we are mostly uncomfortable with long periods of quietness in worship.  Friday night we had six minutes of total quiet.  It was amazing.  I did God in those minutes.  It took me a couple of minutes to focus my thoughts and settle into that time and space, and it was wonderful.

God was present.  We communed.  I can't tell you much of what we said, for there wasn't much that needed saying. In past moments of attempts at meditating I struggled with the fear of doing it wrong.  "Am I in a good body posture."  "What happens if I fall asleep during meditation?"  "How can I control my thoughts and focus on God and avoid wanderings about the need to get gas for my Ford when I leave here, or where will we eat dinner later, and 'boy that one customer at the bank was a real pill today.'" 

At one point I felt God whisper - just to me - "Be at peace.  I am here.  I'm glad you took a few minutes for us just to be."

And that was enough. 

I didn't come away with three blogs, two book ideas and a new poem.  I came away with a heart that had, for a few brief moments, touched the Divine. 

My experience didn't move anybody around me or beside me.  It didn't shift Seattle two degrees off it's axis.  For a few moments I had the privilege of sitting with God, and He allowed me to draw near and be quiet in His presence. 

I really hope you have some God moments equal to this some time. 

I did God Friday, and it was enough.

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