Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
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Saturday, February 6, 2016

God Is Not an Ogre

In literature, movies, books and fables God has been represented a thousand ways.  The one I was most familiar with in my growing up years was the Ogre God. 

I just knew He was waiting for me to step out of line so He could zap me.  I never felt good enough; valuable enough, right enough, and smart enough. 

And if God judged on the kinds of clothes I wore, He surely would write me off His list, for I wore black tennis shoes when white was in style, and my socks never stayed up, for the elastic was worn out. 

As for my shirts, button-down collars were in style and I had maybe one.  Surely God was judging me by my clothes and shoes and shirts, and I was losing every time.

Surely God was an ogre – I thought. He was just waiting to catch me in some fault or in some moment of weakness.  And then He would zap me.

I had lunch with my friend Phil on Friday.  We got onto this topic of the ‘ogre God’ and Phil echoed what I felt.  He too had grown up with that concept of God in his Catholic upbringing. 

Want some good news?  God is not an ogre.  He is not the monster tyrant of our imaginations. 

God is on our side.  He is looking out for us.  His eye is on us.  He never sleeps, nor takes a day off.  He doesn’t even blink.

I read this somewhere a while back: 

I see a God of mercy in that thought.  I see a God of compassion who longs to share His very being with the likes of us.  It has been noted that there are over 300 invitations in the scriptures that speak of God inviting us to “come and partake”.  He wants us with Him.  He wants to surround us with His love and mercy and grace. 

Perhaps you feel you bring a thimble to the banquet of God.  Maybe that is all you think you can afford of God’s grace.  And when God begins to pour out His love and mercy your thimble fills to overflowing.  You just can’t contain all the goodness and grace and love Father God is pouring out into your life.

Will you receive His love?
Will you receive His grace?

He is not an ogre.

He is love and mercy and He invites you to COME. 

“Come all who are weary 
and on your last leg.  
I (God) will give you rest.”

The ogre has left the building, and God Himself welcomes you with open arms.  Fall into His embrace.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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