Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Walking Toward Restoration

Where does one start when seeking restoration? 

The logical answer is we start where we are.  In whatever state of aspiring or despairing we find ourselves, that is a good place to start.

That means if my clothes are dirty and torn, so be it.  I start my journey with dirty and torn clothes.

If my heart is broken, I start there and lay all of the pieces at the feet of God.

If I am confused, I bring my confusion to the One who can unconfused me.

If I am lonely, I bring my loneliest self to the God of comfort and grace.

If I need a bath, then I bring my dirty self to the one who can clean me both inside and out.

My understanding of God is this … He looks for us coming down the road, as in the story of the prodigal son, and when we come into view He runs to greet us.  He stretches out His arms in a welcoming embrace and before we can even get very far into our repentant speech He, the God of Heaven, is commanding the calf to be prepared, the good dishes set out, and the robe to be brought.  And not just any robe will do.  He asks for the best robe, and a new pair of shoes for our feet. 

He treats us like … like a treasured child. 

That is what we are.  We are treasured by the Father.

When we come to God seeking restoration we have to remember a couple of things.  We come with nothing to offer.  We come with no authority, no agenda except restoration, and we are not in charge of anything except the will to seek restoration.

We strip ourselves of pride, arrogance, manipulation, scheming, and posturing.  We find that raw self, and present him or her to the God who can do the amazing work of restoration and forgiveness.

The words we utter don’t matter.

Anne Lamont says:  “Help is a pretty great prayer.”  It’s simple and to the point.

And now, you have a significant compass to help guide you on the road toward restoration.

God the Father is waiting for you. 

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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