Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Who Loves You

If you were in front of me, I would sing you this song.

I’m somebody
I am somebody
I’m created in the image of God
And I’m somebody

I’m somebody
I am somebody
I am loved
I am His child
I’m important to Him
~Bill & Gloria Gaither

Sometimes, as a little joke, Carolyn and I will ask of the other, “Who loves you?”

Of course the answer is “I love Carolyn.  Carolyn loves Michael.”

Often we might counter in a teasing way something like this:

“I don’t know for sure.  Maybe Eliot, or Ava” (two of our grandchildren).
Unfortunately there are people who go through life never having experienced a lot of love from another human being.  That is a sad fact. 

And if that is a picture of you, I want to let you know this.  The great God of the universe truly and completely loves you.  As we stated in the song above, “I’m created in the image of God and I’m somebody.”

God is the great lover of our souls.  God is the one who redeems you and me, loves you and me, and cherishes you and me, for we are His creations, unique in every way.

I was nineteen years old before I heard the words “I love you” from my parents.  Perhaps I’ll tell the whole story sometime.  It was many years later before I came to fully approve of myself and accept who I was as created in the image of God.

God loved me … ME, just like I was, with a bald head, a few pounds overweight, with my dominant left hand with ambidextrous tendencies, a drummer who loves pecan pie, hates broccoli and black-eyed peas, and simply wants to help people.

I had to learn to like myself and approve of myself.  Yes, I did say ‘learn’ to do all of that.

If you happen to find yourself in the same situation, let me give you a word of great hope and a promise.

~God loves you … yes He does.  John 3:16 says “God so loved the world” and you, my lonely friend, are a part of this world.

~God calls you by name.  In Isaiah 43:1 we are reminded of this:  “I have called you by name – you are mine.”

God’s love is for the whole world, and that includes you and me.  Rejoice over that one.

And if God can call you by name, that is a pretty good indication that He not only knows you, He loves you a whole lot.

And as my mentor Brennan Manning says, “God not only likes you, He is very very fond of you.”


And now, when someone asks you the question “Who loves you?” proudly say, “I am the one loved by God.”

Here is another lyric to a song meant just for you.

The sweetest story ever told God loves you
The brightest prospect to behold God loves you
When you way is dark as night
He will be your guiding light
By His hand He’ll hold you tight
God loves you
~Floyd Hawkins/Otis Skillings

Now watch this.

My Prayer for All of Us


Sometimes we have a hard time just accepting your love.  The past raises its ugly head, we remember past faults and failures, and we measure ourselves against giants in the land like Mother Theresa or Billy Graham. 

They surely had no faults. 
They surely never failed you as I have failed you.

Yet your love remains.
It remains constant.
It remains available.
It remains open simply for the taking and the claiming.

Thank you God.  As I reach for your hand, let it be the hand of love and acceptance.  I often have trouble accepting myself, so be gentle.

I’m trusting at a snail’s pace here.

Your wary child.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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