Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
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Saturday, February 1, 2014

God's Sorrow

We all know that you and I have sorrows, but does God have sorrows also? 

I do in fact believe He does.  Brennan Manning gives us this insight.

“God’s sorrow lies in our refusal
to approach Him when we sin
or have failures.”
~Brennan Manning

We humans sometimes become so self-sufficient and we think we can handle anything and everything, even our own salvation.  We try harder after a fall, we go at warp speed when before we went at presto.  We dig in, read more, attend more seminars, and try to earn our way back to God’s good graces.

We dip into the ‘merit badge” theology and think “if I can just go and be and do, then all will be right once again.”

And there He stands, waiting for us to simply approach Him.  He already knows our plight.  Now He simply wants to welcome us back into His embrace and receive the transforming grace and love only He can give.

He wants to give us another clean slate.  His grace is sufficient to handle any weakness, misstep, miscue, sin, slip, confusion and failure we find ourselves in.

He is grace.
He is mercy.

There is plenty of help found when we accept the willing hand of God.

Will you reach for his hand?

Please watch this:

My Prayer for All of Us

Yep!  Failed again.
And yet, we are actually encouraged to reach, once again for your helping hand of redemption. 


Why do you do that?  You see how many times I’ve already messed up.  You know my insecurities, my temperament, and my inclinations. 

Why do you bother with the likes of me?

God, will you help me to be willing to be willing?

I want to be willing.

I reach out in faith.  Take my hand God.

I don’t have much strength left so pull hard and lift me from this pit once again.


P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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