Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Courage to Accept Acceptance

When I go people-watching I often focus on groups of teens in the mall.  I try to pick out the group leader and then figure out the pecking order.  The one I always spot quickly is the one who is lowest in the pecking order of the group.  It seems I can read their body language and mindset.  They just aren’t as accepted into the group as other members, and they know it.

Our struggle to be accepted is a universal and life-long adventure.  

And then we come to grips with the God side of life.  We read and hear on every hand that God loves us and accepts us just as we are, but do we really embrace God’s love? 

Can we trust that God means what he says? 

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.
Jeremiah 31:3

Paul Tillich, one of the most recognized and profound theologians of the 20th century, says this:

“Trust is the courage to accept acceptance.”

The words “accept acceptance” are more than a play on words.  They become a mindset, a lifestyle of living. 

In John 15:15 we find these words:

“I call you my friend.”

What?  God calls me his friend?

Unheard of. 

And we are quick to respond:  “But he obviously doesn’t know where I’ve been … what I’ve done.”

See the problem? 


We put up defenses.  We engage in dangerous self-talk.  We put ourselves in bad light – we do everything except Accept Acceptance. 

We don’t trust God and we don’t believe he wants to be our friend.

Allow me to borrow a paragraph from my favorite author Brennan Manning.

“It there anyone I can level with?  Anyone I dare tell that I am benevolent and malevolent, chaste and randy, compassionate and vindictive, selfless and selfish, that beneath my brave words lives a frightened child, that I dabble in religion and pornography, that I have blackened a friend’s character, betrayed a trust, violated a confidence, that I am tolerant and thoughtful, a bigot and a blowhard, that I hate hard rock?”

Anyone who would dare express the above sentiments runs a great risk of being tossed aside.  Talk about acceptance … this kind of confession would be the fodder for all kinds of reasons to avoid acceptance. 

Yet God comes to us again and again and offers friendship, love, forgiveness, justification and yes, acceptance. 


Read that stunning declaration again.

“I call you my friend.”
John 15:15

I don’t see any qualifiers there.
  I see no rules and regulations.
    I see no “keep out” signs.
      I see no dress code.
        I see no behavior code.

Just an offer of friendship. 

Do we accept it?

Do we embrace the friendly hand of grace and love offered from God himself?

I hope we do.  I pray we do.

Please watch this.

Phillips Craig & Dean

My Prayer for all of Us

What an amazing concept – you want to be our friend. 

How can this be?

I mean, you are GOD – the BIG one.  The man upstairs.

And me … I’m … me.

What am I to you? 

Yet you find it important enough to send us signals from a dozen sources, and they all say the same thing:

God loves you.
God cares for you.
God wants you.
God longs for you.

What an amazing concept, that I can be in that kind of intimate relationship with you God.

Whatever and however you want to make this happen, I am available to receive your friendship. 

Enlarge my capacity for you God.  Enlarge my concepts to embrace your great love that includes being my friend. 

Thank you.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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