Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
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Sunday, February 24, 2019

It's a Good Thing I'm Not God

It’s a Good Thing I’m Not God

I’m not God.  I can’t paint very well, I get some colors mixed up from time to time – like brown and green, purple and blue.  If I had created this universe, WoW!  You would really be amazed at the color scheme.

And If I were God, there are more than a few politicians with whom I’d deal a severe infliction of some type yet unknown.

No.  I’m not God. 

I’m not as loving as God.
I’m not as full of grace as I talk about how God is full of grace.

I don’t love all mankind equally, as God loves all mankind.

I don’t have the patience to be God.

I don’t have the wisdom to be God.

And I have too good a memory to be God.  I learned a long time ago that God removes our sins from us as far as the East is from the West, and He never remembers them against us again.  I can’t do that.  Once, in eighth grade, there was this kid – Larry.  And he …

Well, never mind. 

No, I’m not God. 

However, I’m glad God is not napping.
I’m glad He is not on vacation.
I’m glad He doesn’t show favoritism.

And I’m especially glad for His love and forgiveness for my own frailties. 

And you, too, benefit from that love and forgiveness.

P Michael Biggs

Monday, February 18, 2019

When Your Faith Is Tested

When Your Faith Is Tested

“These are perilous times that try men’s souls.”  This phrase is found in 2 Timothy: 3.  It speaks of the end of times, and yet, trials and troubles of all kinds assault us as we live our lives.  Our faith gets tested.  Or hearts fail us.  Our thoughts quickly turn to despair.  And then what?

We get back to basics.  We go back to our foundational claims of our Christian faith. 

“Be not afraid nor dismayed, for I your God will be with you wherever you go.” 
Joshua 1:9

“For with God all things are possible.” 
Matthew 19:26

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 
Hebrews 13:5

“The Lord will fight for you. You need only to stand still.” 
Exodus 14:14

I take great comfort in the word of God at all times, especially in the difficulties.

We are in those day even now.  Carolyn took a fall on ice on February 6, and will be out of the game for at least six weeks.  Already, two weeks later, we are sensing the presence and assurance of God’s faithfulness. 

Thanks be to God.

P Michael Biggs

Saturday, February 2, 2019

God Are You Talking to Me?

God, Are You Talking to Me?

Let’s talk about God talking to us, and what that all means.  This is a large topic … frankly, larger than me, but I’m going to tackle it anyway, for it is important.

First thing … Yes, God is talking to me, and to you.  God still talks to us.  I’ve never heard God’s audible voice, however.  When I say, “God speaks to me”, I am using the metaphorical concept that God impressed on me such-n-such, or I sense that God is directing me to do this or that. 

Now, let’s move on to the how and why and what does God’s voice sound like.

How does God talk to us?  His holy scriptures are the first source for hearing God’s voice.  I do not believe God will ever direct us to do something that is contradictory to what He has already put into the scriptures.  I’ve had many occasions when I’ve received what I considered a ‘word from God’.  I have two life verses.

Jeremiah 29:11 – “For surely I know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you and not to bring you harm.”

And Joshua 1:9 – “Be not afraid nor dismayed, for I the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Note that these verses were not specific to any move I should make, nor a yes or no decision.  They came into play more as an assurance of God’s presence in my life in the middle of troubling times.  Furthermore, they were an assurance that God, by His discerning spirit, would impress upon my spirit a sense of His direction.

Ah, that is one of the critical pieces when we talk about God talking to us.  For me, He uses some unfathomable signal that I call “the spirit of God” to impress upon my being a sense of “yes, this is good”, or “no, this is bad.”

My practice has been to proceed cautiously during these times and give God time to confirm that particular divination within my own heart and mind.  If the feelings of “do” persisted, then after a period of time – days, weeks – I would then take that as the answer from God to move in a certain direction. 

I felt that sense during my music publishing days at Thanksgiving time in 1993.  I was offered a position and turned it down at first.  I later came back around to that original offer and asked God for some kind of sense of what to do.  I felt an overwhelming sense of the “peace which passes all understanding” in those days.  I’ve never forgotten that experience.  It was straight out of Philippians 4:6-7. 

“Don’t be anxious about anything, but in every situation, with prayer and petitions, let your request be known to God.  Then God’s peace, which goes beyond all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.”

Sometimes, on rare occasions, other individuals of faith can speak a word to help a person see a solution or a direction in which to move.  I suppose we could say that God “spoke through him/her.” 

Again, that happened for me in 1973 when I was trying to make the decision to move from Orlando to Albuquerque.  After receiving the offer to go to Albuquerque, my father called one night and asked, “Well son, are you packed and ready to go?”

My answer … “Well Dad.  I just don’t know.”

He said, “You know son, I think Albuquerque would be a good move for you.  I think you are letting doubts and fears get in the way.  You probably should go ahead and move to Albuquerque.  And I tell you what.  If you get there and find out it was the wrong move, remember this; God will forgive you, and I think there is enough money in the bank to get you back home.”

I made the move.  God blessed.  God was in it.  It was four great years in my life.

Let me quickly add this.  If you are seeking God’s answer through another person, just make sure in whom you are trusting for this answer.  Not all who claim to speak for God really do speak for God.  I have some horror stories also, but will refrain from sharing them for now.

Well, this needs to come to an end.  Bottom line, God still watches out for us.  He cares what we do, how we do it, and at times, when we should do a thing. 

The “how” of God letting us know comes through (1) His word – the Bible.  Occasionally God will speak through (2) another individual, and God will (3) impress upon your heart and mind a sense of His direction and the assurance of His peace to make a certain decision or not. 

In all my years of living, I’ve never known God to write in the skies, shape a certain cloud formation to direct me, or give me an audible voice. 

I trust the God I serve. 
I listen for Him to speak in small ways, subtle moving’s that I am learning to interpret as the hand or voice of God by which I govern my life.

P Michael Biggs