Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Peace - The Third Word of Christmas

Peace – The Third Word of Christmas

Peace at Christmas.  A fantasy?  A dream never to come true?  Life for some is anything but peace. 

~My friend, just yesterday, lost her husband after an extended illness.  That’s not peace. 

~Another might be dreading THE Christmas gathering because of an estranged family situation.  Will we fight again this year?

~A few will fight the financial strain at Christmas.  “There’s just not enough money to do everything we want to do for a proper Christmas,” they say.

~And don’t forget the world situation.  Peace does not exactly invade all lands.  There are threats, wars and rumors of wars, … you name it, it’s happening somewhere in our world this very moment.

Oh my.  We long for peace.  We desire it.  We seek peace.  Where is peace found, exactly?

Perhaps this “peace” we speak of starts as an inside job.  Christ came to give peace to each of us.  It is a personal and individual peace.  Peace within ourselves, peace with God.  It is a relationship peace that we most need, a kindred peace with God at the center of our focus.  And when we get there, it is amazing how all else comes into focus.  It’s amazing how this elusive “peace” will flood our hearts and settle our minds. 

“Shalom” is a word you have heard, perhaps.  It is a Hebrew word signifying “peace” or “more than well.”

What might “more than well” look like?  I am at peace at this moment as I write these thoughts.  Yet, I am “more than well”?  Wow!  Let’s think about that for a moment.  This time last year I was facing surgery.  I survived.  I’m better.  To use the above thought I’m “More than better.”  I am at peace and I can truly say “All is well.  All is very well.”

While we wait for peace on earth to arrive, perhaps, we should open ourselves up to peace, and as the song I once sang says, “And let it begin in me.”

Wow!  You and I might just be the agents of “peace on earth, good will to men”

~Maybe we show a touch more grace in sticky relationship situations.
~Maybe we let the driver move into place in front of us instead of honking and waving a less-than-honorable finger of dishonor.
~Maybe we forgive a slight, a misstep, a harsh tone.
~Maybe we give a helping hand instead of an angry exchange.

Maybe we are to help “PEACE” break out across our land.

Now wouldn’t that be something?

P Michael Biggs
Hope Encouragement Inspiration

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