Thoughts on Persistence

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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Experiencing God

Experiencing God

This is my personal journey in how I have experienced God in my life.  It’s not a theological treatise, nor a major commentary on the subject.  Just my very personal experiences.  Hope it is encouraging to you.

When I was a small boy, I attended church three or four times every week.  What else would you expect from a minister’s son.  And I attended Sunday School all during those years.  I experienced God in my youth, as I still experience Him in my senior years.

I’ve never seen Him face to face.  I’ve never heard God’s audible voice nor felt His physical hand, yet I’ve experienced Him nevertheless.

God chooses to reveal Himself to me mostly through a non-verbal voice I call the promptings of God.  I have endeavored to be what we call “open and receptive” to God and allow Him to lead and inspire me in life, and it has been so on numerous occasions. 

My experiences with God have been in the form of promptings in my spirit, which I interpret as the hand of God at work.  As a music minister, I sincerely sought God’s guidance as I prepared a worship service.  I wanted the lyrics to convey whatever thoughts might be represented in that particular service, and on many occasions, they did. 

Now, as a writer, I have the same kinds of experiences.  I have five active blog sites, and each one has a different target audience and purpose.  Only one is a direct God-track.  When it comes time to write one of these, in my prayerful way, I’ll ask God in what direction I should go or to what source I should open for inspiration.  Time and again, I’ve been guided to a word, a thought, or a longer passage and the ideas formed that I presented.  I call that “God’s leadings.” 

At times, I’ve had off-the cuff conversations with strangers, and in the end, discovered that God used something I said during that moment, and I was largely obviously to that spark of inspiration.  Once, on my secular job, I had a conversation with a young lady, and something I said sparked something inside her.  As she left, she said, “You have no idea how I needed to hear that today.”  And we weren’t in church, nor in a Bible study.  We were in a business office and I was helping her with a problem. 

These are some of the ways God has led my life.  I get little whispers of an idea, or I get an overwhelming sense of the presence of God. 

Back to my writing:  Some days when I come here to my space, I’ll sense immediately that “this is going to be a great writing session.”  I’ve had that happen time and again, both in writing this blog – Internet Church – and in writing my four other blogs.  You see, I don’t think God keeps the spiritual stuff just for those “churchy moments”.  If we are open to God, He wants to use the seemingly mundane, ordinary moments, words, conversations and opportunities in our lives to push along His agenda.

I’m not “called” to do a lot of things.  I’m not a missionary in Africa.  I’m not a rocket scientist.  I’m not a business guru.

I am an ordinary man, with shoes that need polishing, and yet I have my moments of experiencing God on a regular basis.  I don’t spend hours in prayer every day, I don’t go out and give away spiritual tracts.  I just live out my God experience in everyday life.  I am called to encourage.  That is what I seek to do.

God is invited along as I go about my daily life.  And sometimes, He shows up in subtle ways and does a miraculous work through me.

Now, isn’t that something?

Hope Encouragement Inspiration

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