Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Friday, February 17, 2017

God Can Use You

My Dear Unique Child:

Why do you compare yourself to others?  You still don’t get it.  I love you, uniquely you.
I don’t care about your IQ.  I care about you.  You have a kind heart, a gentle spirit.  That is what I love about you. 

IQ only measure one aspect of a person.  I care about the total person. 

Really, the only thing you should concentrate
on is “Am I doing my best with what I have?”
I have never demanded that a person be the smartest, the most creative, the most beautiful, or the most credentialed. 

I do care that you develop and build upon the talents you started with.  Do you remember the story of the people given talents? 

One was given five talents and turned them into ten
One was given two talents and turned them into four
One was given one talent and buried it.  What a waste.

If I had really wanted only the best followers, do you think I would have entrusted my messages down through the ages to common men and women?  I could have easily chosen rulers, monarchs, kings and the rich to carry my thoughts forward.

Instead, I have used fishermen, sinners, poor itinerant preachers, a prostitute, and a King who had an affair.  They all played a part in carrying my message forward. 

And even today I use all kinds of people.

So, forget your IQ.  Forget your failures. 

Come to me, with all your skills and ills, all of your successes and failures.  I am the one who declares you worthy.  

You are my choice.  You are a worthy candidate for my grace and love.

I can use a person like you.


(This is Letter 16 from my book - The Letters) 

Offering Words of
Hope Encouragement
One Word at a Time

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