Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Love in a New Light

A fresh set of eyes look at I Corinthians 13.  Take a moment and reflect with me.

Chapter 13~
Even if I could speak French, Persian, and the ancient Syrian tongue and could communicate with angels, but failed at love, I would be a noisy rumble of irritating sounds.

If I could explain black holes and predict the outcome of world politics, if I was some spiritual guru and my very words could move mountains, yet failed to love of what use would I be?

If I were generous with my ‘stuff’ and gave everything away yet failed to love in that very act of giving, what have I accomplished?

Love lets an erratic driver cut in front of me.  Love holds open a door for a string of people at Walmart to enter ahead of me.  If a co-worker lands the big sale love says “way to go”.  Love does not seek to jump to the head of the line, and it keeps its cool when feathers get ruffled. 

When the down and out get downer and outer, love hurts with them.  And when the down and out get lifted up to a better place, love says “yeah”.

Love protects, finds ways to trust, always hopes and offers hope, and always, always endures.

Love never stops springing forth.  Prophetic utterances will someday end; our voices will someday be stopped; knowledge will vanish.  Even now we know so little.  We can’t comprehend the full truth.

Someday, our lack will be complete, and our limited knowledge will disappear. 

As a child I knew few words.  I understood plastic trucks and homemade go-carts and kick the can.  As a man I put away such simplistic toys. 

My understanding was as if looking at myself in a cracked and cloudy mirror.  I could only see fractions and bits and pieces.  Soon I shall see and be seen with clarity and in proper light and I shall be known by my heavenly name and with my true identity.

Three main ingredients of life remain …

And by far, the most valuable - the chiefest ingredient for all of life … is love.


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