Storms are no fun. Hurricanes are worse yet. And then there are tsunamis, and
earthquakes. All of these have a
tremendous amount of turbulence that tags along and none of it is
So when turbulence comes, then what?
We hang on. We find something that is nailed down, tied
down, anchored securely to some immoveable source and we hang on.
I’m reminded of this in Matthew 14:22-33. He is the gist of the story.
Christ had
been speaking to a large crowd on the mountainside and as He is bringing things
to a close He tells his disciples to go ahead and get into the boat. He stays behind, and after the crowds finally
depart, He goes into the mountains to pray.

They were
fearful for their lives and when it seemed all was lost, Christ came by.
He spoke
to the men in the boat, not to the winds and billows. He said, “Take courage. It is me; don’t be afraid.”
Don’t you love that? When the storms were just about to overwhelm,
Christ came along and said, “It is
me. I am here. Don’t worry.”
How many times have you and I needed to
hear that one? Devastation come, storms erupt,
ill winds blow and we are terrified.
And here comes our God – riding the
dangerous winds, with steadiness in His voice, saying “Don’t worry. I’m in
charge. I am here. “
I find great comfort in that today.
The one who started life on this sphere
as we know it is still in control. He
still watches over things. He still has
a steady hand on the big lever.
Our part?
Trust his word.
Trust his nature.
Trust that He is on duty.
He never sleeps.
He never takes a day off.
What a promise!
A Prayer
for All of Us
Oh for grace to trust you more.
Trust you with the storms of life.
Trust you when the winds and waves blow unfavorably
against us.
And trust that you always, always have your eye on us.
I believe.
Thank you God.
P Michael
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time
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