Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Running Away

Sometimes the voices scream at us.

“Run away.  Escape.” 
“You don’t need to put up with this.”
“Have it your way.” 
“The old man is daffy.”
“These rules are stifling my creativity.”
“I want to be free.”
“Leave – prove your worth.”
“You can handle life on your own.  You don’t need these constraints.”
“Go do what you want.”
“Man up.” 

It’s like we’re the prodigal son or daughter all over again.  We want what we want, when we want, and nobody is going to tell us any differently. 

And perhaps, we leave, or have left.  Perhaps we’ve stomped out, either physically or metaphorically, and the slam of the door behind us still rings in our ears.

The distant land calls to us.  It appears appealing, inviting, it’s exactly what we want.

And so, we run away.

We are free to choose, you know.  We can leave.  We can pursue other options.  We can just up and leave any time we want.

And if we do … the one who loves us more than we could possibly understand still misses us, still longs for our return, still looks for us. 

That is the amazing and never-ending love of God almighty. 

"The great mystery of the story of the prodigal son is this:  I am loved so much that I am free to leave home." (Philip Yancey)

And God the Father is always looking for us.  His arms are outstretched, longing to welcome us back, and He wants to whisper in our ear – “You are my loved one.  Come home to Papa.”

Running away sounds exciting at first; the exhilaration of escaping the bounds that bind us, the breath of freedom with the jingle of coins in our pocket.  That is good stuff, or so we think. 

And remember this … if the rub of the road is too much to bear, if we fall flat and can’t get up, if we long for the Father’s embrace, we CAN go home again. 

~For He waits for us.
~He longs for us.
~He is ready to receive us back.

And the big one …


The call remains: “If we confess our sins and wrong doings, God is faithful and will forgive our sins, and wash us clean.” 
John 1:9 (PMB Paraphrase)

If you’re going to run, go for a run into the big arms of God.  They are strong enough to catch you.

Offering Words of
Hope Encouragement
One Word at a Time

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