Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
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Saturday, November 2, 2013

God Is Tilted toward Underdogs

Finally, someone is on the side of the underdog.  Don’t we love it when the underdog comes out as a winner?  I do.

And so it is with God.  That is perhaps the strongest reason to give for often writing and speaking to those who are in a world of hurt and a world of great need.

A great thought …

“The world may be tilted
toward the
rich and powerful,
but God is tilted
toward the underdog.”
~Philip Yancey

God loves the down-and-out.
He loves the bedraggled, the beat up, the burnt out, the discouraged, and the ragamuffin.  The whole gospel of hope is for mankind who is facing the dark side of life. 

     God loves the rich and successful.
He adores the poor and down-on-his-luck.

     God rejoices over the winner.
He cheers victory chants for the struggling cripple, whether crippled physically or mentally.

God is on our side, no matter in what state of grace or disgrace we find ourselves.  

Has your cheese fallen off the cracker?  God knows.  He saw it fall, and He has a better slice waiting for you.

Again, let me state our premise:

Have you considered some of the underdogs God has used in the past?

He used a drunken sailor once.  That man went on to write the lyrics to Amazing Grace.

He used a man in an insane asylum.  That man left behind the great lyrics to The Love of God.  Here are some of those lyrics.

     To write the love of God above
     Would drain the ocean dry;
     Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
     Though stretched from sky to sky

He redeemed a rich and successful political power player once.  That man was Chuck Colson, who went on to found Prison Fellowship, which made huge impacts in helping redeem and reform many men and women who were incarcerated.

Even in the Christmas story, the angels of God appeared first to some seedy shepherds on a hillside outside of Bethlehem.  They were not the esteemed elite of their day, yet they got a front row seat and an early preview to the Savior of the World.

There have been others, lesser in our eyes perhaps, yet God saw something in them that was redeemable and remarkable.

~The woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her hair

~A couple of tax collectors – Matthew and Zacchaeus

~The thief on one of the crosses

Do you see that God is in the redemption business?  People who stand in need of redemption are usually considered ‘underdogs’.

What is your story?

Have you ever …
        Slandered another’s reputation

Has your cheese fallen off the cracker a few times in your life?

Come to the one who loves you regardless. 

He is tilted toward those of us who, more than a few times, have slipped, fallen, stumbled, failed and lost it all on a whim.

God, the forgiving one, wants nothing more than a moment of your time to change your life for a lifetime.

A Prayer for You

There are so many times when I feel like such a loser.  Can you redeem one such as me?  Do you offer grace and mercy to the likes of me?

How I want to believe that. 

So if you can, then I reach out to you as you reach for me.  Let the wedding of our hands outstretched begin the beginning of the story of redemption in my own life.


P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

1 comment:

  1. Michael,
    Well and truthfully said. Jesus loves all of us losers. We are all pretty mangled by our sufferings. But Jesus was too. That's why I take so much comfort in him; he knows what it's like to be one of us.
    He gives mercy to anyone who asks, and it's free! So is his grace and forgiveness, no matter how low I may have fallen, or broken I have become, he is still hangin' in there with me. I'm astounded!! I'm in awe... thanks, friend.
