Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Where Is God When Life Hurts

When your son is strung out on drugs and you’ve had to cut him off from your family to save your own lives and sanity, where is God?

When those devastating words tumble out of your doctor’s mouth, where is God?

When the pink slip slips from your hand, where is God?

When life throws us on the rocks, who throws us a life raft?

I met some friends for dinner tonight and heard a heart-wrenching story about their son who is entering into yet another drug rehab center this coming Monday.  They were in pain.  They were at their wits end.  They were at a loss for solutions.  Gary, the son, has been in a string of recovery centers for the past eight years now, and this is just one more place that holds some kind of hope for him and for his parents. 

And with all of the other scenarios mentioned at the beginning, we always come back to the same question – where is God in all of this?

Let’s walk this trail together and see where we come out.

I relate to my friend’s woes with their drug addicted son.  That happened to an ex-wife of mine.  That was a devastating and churning time in my life.

Here is what I learned.

God really does mean it when He says “I will never leave you or forsake you.”

He also says this:  “Do not be afraid or dismayed.  I am with you wherever you go.”

And when we long for relief and peace from our struggles, this one came along.  I’m going to paraphrase.

“Don’t worry about anything.  Always pray and petition, offering thanksgiving as you present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, represented by the presence of Christ, which is beyond all understanding, will flood over you and fill your heart and mind.”

So where is God when it hurts?  He is by your side, giving stability, giving assurance, giving peace, and giving His presence. 

Something I learned a while ago may also help you.  God never promises to keep us from problems.  He does promise to be with us in the middle of our problems.

I find great comfort in that today.  And I have experienced first-hand the stabilizing presence of God in the middle of my storm.

I have experienced tremendous peace that is beyond all understanding when facing my most frustrating experiences. 

May God’s presence steady you, surround you and give you an overwhelming sense of His peace.

A Listening Moment for Personal Reflection

As you listen to this beautiful piano solo, why not spend a few minutes asking God for peace in your life, peace from your trials and peace and rest for your tomorrows.

I’ll be praying for you this week.

Pastor Mike
P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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