Does God have a soft spot or a blind
side? According to some research I've been doing, it appears He does indeed have a blind side.
If we consider some of the individuals He
has used on occasion, we might believe that He is a really lousy judge of people.
Just look at some of the characters He
has chosen to use down through history.
David was an adulterer.
Jonah was a chicken who ran away.
Peter was a traitor.
Zacchaeus, an IRS agent, was a thief.
Rahab was a prostitute.
Can you believe that list of losers? Ah, but the good news is coming.
Philip Yancey reminds us of this.
“I have
come to know a God whose Son made prodigals the heroes of His stories and the
trophies of his ministry.”
Trophies of his ministry …
The absolutely incredible news is this …
God takes us as we are, sees what we can be, and then helps bring about that transformation
when we allow His hand to guide us, His voice to speak to us, and His light to
shine through us.
And the amazing news – God can use
anybody, anywhere, anytime.
What have you done?
What are you doing?
Where have you been?
Where are you going?
The answers aren't important. What is important is your response to God’s call. Will you follow Him?
Will you follow Him?
THAT is the ultimate question. In every case listed above, the participant
made a radical turn from their wayward life TO the invitation of God. They
placed their destinies into the hands of the God of their understanding.
They allowed God!
They allowed God full access to their
will and their destinies. They allowed
Him to change their direction, their agenda for a day or for a lifetime.
And look what happened.
They all went down in history as heroes –
trophies in God’s trophy case as examples of loyalty and obedience.
That is what God wants from each of us - obedience.
And the most encouraging news of all is
this … He uses the high and mighty, and he uses the meek and lowly.
Is God a bad judge of character?
Not at all. He takes our bad character and changes and
redeems it for His purposes.
If God has a soft spot, it is for one who
can be used in His work. He sees our
proclivities, our personalities, our innate skill set and He finds worthy work
for each of us.
He simply wants every one of us in His
trophy case. He wants to put us on
display as a recipient of the grace and mercy that is abundantly available to
every person – EVERY PERSON!
Does God have a soft spot for you and me?
You bet.
He is very, very fond of us.
Please watch this.
Sung by Trophies of Grace
My Prayer
for You!
What an amazing thought. You take the low life, the down and out, the
rebellious, and the wayward and you use them in amazing ways.
That really is an amazing thought.
I suppose that means you can use the
likes of one like me. Do I dare believe
that? Can you do something with my life,
my past and my present and make a future for me?
Can you God?
I want that more than anything. So, here I come. I come to you asking for all of this
redemption stuff and life-change stuff we've been talking about and reading
Use me too, God.
P Michael
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time