Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Letter Forty-Three-The Ever Present God

 Letter Forty-Three

Dear Child:

Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will always have my eye on you, and I will always want to be your God.

By the worlds standards I should have given up on you long ago. But the world doesn’t see with my eyes. I see you; I cherish you, and I love you. You are my child – rags to riches, in misery and in money – for all the seasons of your life.

Come to me. Rest in me. I am your safe place. 

Your God,

P Michael Biggs 


Saturday, May 25, 2024

Letter Forty-Two

Letter Forty-Two

No Matter Where You Go, I Go

Dear Child:

Don’t hide. Don’t run away.

Draw near to me. I am Abba.

I want companionship with you more than perfection.

You are traveling a rough and dangerous road. I am with you. Nothing is too dangerous, nor is any path too rough for me to walk if that is where you choose to go. I am with you wherever you go.

I’m reaching for you. I’m searching for you.

I can cross any boundary to get to you. Even in the dark and foreboding places in life, I am there.

I am reaching out my hand. Will you take it?

Come to Papa God.

P Michael Biggs

~Hope ~ Encouragement ~Inspiration

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Letter Forty-One From God

Letter Forty-One

Dear Child:

You have failed again, and now you are afraid to approach me. I’m here waiting. Invite me in.

Haven’t I proven time and again that I am more about grace, love, and forgiveness than about wrath and rejection?

It takes great courage to approach me after a fall. Come near.

Remember this -- at the end of your failures you’ll always find me. I was there in the beginning.
I am here at the end.

I am with you always, even to the end of the earth.

So, draw near.
~I have a big heart.

~I have compassion for the weak. 

~I have love for the loveless.

~I have forgiveness for the fallen.

Come to me.
You’ll always find me at the end of your failure. 

Your God Who is Always There

P Michael Biggs


Sunday, May 5, 2024

Letter Forty-From God

 Letter Forty – From God

Dear Child:

I don’t flinch at your ugliness and the dirty rags of your life.
I don’t turn my head from the stench of your past rottenness.

I look beyond all of that and offer you my hand, my heart.

Others may flinch at the thought of your past life, but not me. I don’t flinch. I look beyond all that and see my child in need of his or her Abba God.

I am yours. Rest easy with that.

I am as personal to you as I am to anyone else on this earth. I long to be intimate with you right where you are, misery and all. I’m not turning my head. I’m not pulling back my hand. 

I’m opening my heart to you, for I love you!

Don’t lock the door.
Don’t keep me out.
Open yourself to my presence, my forgiveness, and my cleansing touch.

I am God. I want you, just as you are. 

Your God,

P Michael Biggs 


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Letter Thirty-Nine - from God

Letter THIRTY-NINE – from God

Dear Child:

The moment has arrived. You are facing surgery soon. There are a couple of things I want to tell you as you go through this experience.

You have fears. That is natural. Give me your fears.

~I know your name.
~I count the hairs on your head.
~I made your body.
~I instructed your physicians and nurses. What a marvel you are.

I will be with you wherever you go, even through this.

And I’ll be with your friends and family too. I’ll be present with them just as I will be with you.

Today’s medical world is in the best shape it has been in. Man has created some amazing equipment for monitoring, probing, and seeing the human body from all angles.

Trust in your medical providers.
                    Trust in the love of your family and friends.

And above all, trust in me, the God who loves you more than you could ever know.

I am with you every moment. 


P Michael Biggs


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Letter Thirty-Eight on Trust


My Dear Child:

This is a hard letter for me to write, but this is important.

Faith doesn’t come with a guarantee.

If you know much about me, you know I am all about faith. It’s been that way since the beginning.

I told Adam and Eve they could eat of every tree in the garden except for one. I gave them a stern warning to avoid the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. I hoped that they would take it by faith that I meant what I said. That is a dangerous tree and I wanted them to avoid it at all costs.

But they failed the faith test. They chose their own way and took from that tree.

I wanted faith. They wanted selfish desires.

The fruit on that tree looked very enticing, and I knew it would open a door that could never be closed again. I hoped they would take it by faith and obey when I said leave that one alone.

Faith is all about trusting me when you don’t see things clearly or have all the facts. Sometimes I want you to stop, sometimes I want you to lean out, or jump over the edge. You can’t always see the other side, but I want you to have faith in me.

Faith doesn’t come with a guarantee.

I’ll always allow you to make your own choices. If you want to open a forbidden door, you surely may. You won’t always like what’s on the other side, but I’ll let you open it if you choose.

I care and that is precisely why I put up some “Do Not Enter” signs along the way.

I can handle whatever comes your way ... today, tomorrow... forever. Just trust me with a little bit more of your life.


P Michael Biggs 


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Letter Thirty-Seven "Do I Matter?


Do I Matter?

Dear Child:

I hear your cry. You wonder if anybody cares. You feel empty, abandoned, and alone.

You cry out, “Do I Matter?”

Let me wrap you in my arms. Listen as I whisper words of calm. “Yes, you matter. I am God, and you matter to me.”

I know where you are every moment of the day. I never lose track of you.

I never take my eye off you.

“Do I matter” you ask?
My precious child, yes, you do matter.

As long as you take a breath you shall matter. Your significance is not diminished simply because of your age. You are, therefore you are significant.

You are someone important. 

Someone of value

Someone of worth
Someone with skills and a destiny

Someone worth knowing
You are valued simply because you exist.
“DO I MATTER” you ask?

Yes, you certainly do. You matter!!! 

Your God of Compassion