Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Desert of the Present Moment

Perhaps you are in what we call “the desert of the present moment.” You are, perhaps, beyond exhausted, and confused, lonely, without hope, and wondering what next.

And the biggest question of all is this: “Where is God?”

We find the beginnings of an answer in a quote from Brennan Manning, one of my all-time favorite writers.

In my lifetime there have been deserts, as there have been for you. Like you, I have wondered, questioned, begged, and pleaded. Sometimes I’ve used the bargaining mode. “God, if you’ll do this I’ll never do that’ or some such pledge of fidelity.

Perhaps there is significance found in our being in the desert in the first place. Did our own self-seeking cause the desert? Did our stubbornness cause it? Did some act from a few years ago cause it?

The answer doesn’t much matter. What matters is this – what does God want to do now, in this moment of our desperation?
And the answer is … what small, subtle impulse that is a divine impulse do you sense that makes sense to your troubled mind? Perhaps that is God trying to communicate with your spirit. What if God is still with you in this desert of your making? Perhaps, God is trying to communicate with you through your circumstances.

And God shows up, and the answer comes, and you take that wee step of faith.

And on the other side of your desert you find hope and grace, even forgiveness, for God simply wanted you to listen to Him in the first place.

Now wouldn’t that be something?

A word from The WORD!

“Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding and abundant things above all we could ever ask for or think up, according to His power that works in us.”
~Ephesians 3:20 

Please take 3:50 to watch this. I think you’ll find some more words of hope.

P Michael Biggs
Internet Church
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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