Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
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Saturday, November 1, 2014

How Rich Is God

In the grand scheme of things, just how rich is God? 

Consider this.

I John 3:1 says he lavishes us with love.
James 1:5 tells us that He doesn’t just dole out wisdom.  Oh no.  He gives generously to all without finding fault.

Romans 2:4 tells us God is rich in tolerance, kindness and patience.

I Timothy 1:14 says He gives grace exceedingly abundant and indescribable.

He overflowed the banquet table when the prodigal son returned home.

He flooded Peter’s boat with fish beyond counting.
He made better wine and in more abundance at the wedding feast.

He provided manna for the throngs of Israelites during their 40-year hike in the wilderness.  And he gave them quail to eat.  He never let their sandals wear out all during that time.  And He provided a flame to lead at night and a cloud for the daytime.

How rich is God?

His grace is sufficient.
His mercy is everlasting.
He forgives and forgets.

God promises to meet all our needs. (Philippians 4:19)

He bestows bounty even when a brother or sister is in need of forgiveness.  His admonition was not just to forgive seven times.  Oh no.  He said “forgive seven times seventy.” 

That is bestowing riches.
Generosity abounds.

And His grace shows up best in weak people.  He give generously, liberally, he does not withhold, even though we may deserve justice.  We find grace.  We find a giving Heavenly Father. 

And to cap it all off, His promise is this … if we call on the name of Jesus Christ, we shall inherit eternal life.


And what did we do to deserve this?  What price did we pay?  What good deeds were required?  How many trips did we have to make to Africa, or New Zealand, even Las Vegas to earn these gifts, this grace thing?


Not in your righteousness. 
Can’t earn it.
Can’t pay it back.
Don’t even deserve it.

He just gives, and gives, and gives again and again.

This old hymn comes to mind here.

His love has no limits,
His grace has no measure,
His power has no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

Please watch this

We are heirs, and joint heirs with Christ.

We have a very rich Papa.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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