Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence
New Book available from Amazon - for Kindle and Softbound

Saturday, November 28, 2015

They Missed It

Somewhere a dog barked three times and then was silent.
Somewhere a merchant was just finishing with his last customer.
Somewhere a very tired inn keeper was shuttering his windows and doors, for his last available space had been rented for the night.

And somewhere a tired fourteen year old girl and an even more weary twenty-something man finally found a space among some cattle and sheep in a drafty cave. 

And the birth happened.

And the villagers missed it. 

For their lives were demanding.
Their jobs were endless.
Their focus was on the next buck to be made, not on the baby being born who would usher in a whole new system.

But they missed it.

They missed the greatest event of the season.
They missed the spectacle in their own backyard.

Sometimes I’ve been distracted by gifts to see THE gift.
Sometimes I’ve been focused on activities instead of the Advent.

This Christmas, let’s make sure we don’t miss all that Christ might say to us as we revisit the manger, the joy, the lights and the sights of Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

P Michael Biggs
Internet Church Pastor
Offering Hope
One Word at a Time

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